Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tips to Help College Students Sleep

College students and sleep dont often go together. In fact, when things get stressful, sleep is often the first thing to get trimmed from the to-do list of many college students. So when you finally do find the time to sleep, how can you make sure you can sleep well? Use Earplugs Theyre cheap, theyre easy to find at any drugstore (or even the campus bookstore), and they can block out the noise from your residence hall -- and your noisy, snoring roommate. Make Things Dark True, your roommate may need to be up all night writing the paper, but ask him or her to use a desk lamp instead of the main light for the room. Or, if youre crashing in the afternoon, close the blinds to help darken the room. Listen to Relaxing Music (Softly) Sometimes, turning out the outside world can be challenging. Try listening to some relaxing music to help you focus on calming down instead of everything going on around you. Appreciate the Sound of Silence While music can help, silence can sometimes be even better. Turn off your phone, turn off the music, turn off the DVD you wanted to watch as you fall asleep. Exercise Being physically healthy can help you sleep better, too. Try to get some exercise during the day -- not too close to when you want to sleep, of course, but even a brisk walk to your morning classes for 30 minutes in the morning will help you later that night. Avoid Caffeine in the Afternoon That cup of coffee you had at 4:00 p.m. could very well be keeping you up 8 hours later. Try water, juice, or any other caffeine-free option instead. Avoid Energy Drinks Sure, you needed that energy boost to make it through your evening class. But getting some exercise or eating a piece of fruit would have worked better than that energy drink -- and not kept you from sleeping later. Eat Healthy If your body is in a funk, it can be hard to sleep at night. Remember what your mama taught you and focus more on fruits, vegetables, water, and whole grains than coffee, energy drinks, fried food, and pizza. Lower Your Stress It may seem like Mission: Impossible, but reducing your stress can help you sleep. If you cant lower your overall stress level, try finishing a project or task -- no matter how small -- before you crawl into bed. You can feel accomplished instead of stressed about all you have to do. Relax for a Few Minutes Before Going to Bed Reading your cell phone, checking email, texting friends, and doing all kinds of brain-busy tasks can interfere with your ability to truly relax and rewind. Try reading a magazine for a few minutes, meditating, or just resting quietly with no electronics -- you might be surprised at how quickly you end up catching some zzzzzs.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Problem Of Business Management - 739 Words

Business management is a diverse field with lots of different ways on how to manage either someone or something. A manager would have to control the whole of what a person does or an entire company to make sure that everything is going correctly with no defaults. Being a brand manager includes the knowledge on how to satisfy a vast variety of people for the brand they are representing to actually achieve within it. Data is excruciatingly important to any direction when it comes to the responsibility they hold, a minor mistake can make a huge difference. Managing data seems difficult, but managing the privacy within the accounts, â€Å"without making the data inaccessible and unusable† (Burns, Businesses Look for Tech Solutions to Big Data Security Issues) has to be taken into precaution when it is being stored within internet access. With new ways to reach information, it has become difficult to understand and limit who sees it and what information they will be seeing without them exposing it to others. A person s â€Å"Social Security numbers or other sensitive information† (Burns) can be found and used to get profit for themselves or for someone else. According to Signe et al. about â€Å"80% of information created and used by the enterprise is the unstructured data† that still does not have a specific usage but can be used as optimizing purpose. An analyst will take the position to track patterns and unusual patterns if needed or for contingency with different transaction systemsShow MoreRelatedBusiness Management Problem Identification of atT1095 Words   |  5 PagesProblem Identification Paper Legendary management consultant Peter Drucker once said, So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Representations of Men in Advertising Free Essays

What is a man? This question may be odd to hear, but it’s a question that is answered constantly by advertisers in print ads and television commercials, all with different approaches. But he question the advertises are asking is â€Å"What images of men will sell my product? â€Å". There is the image of the rebel, the masculine heroes, the violent or aggressive man, or the classic ‘Gentleman’. We will write a custom essay sample on Representations of Men in Advertising or any similar topic only for you Order Now In recent years we see advertisers moving closer towards the image of the ‘modern man’. The modern man, also known as the metro-sexual man, can be defined as well groomed, health and body conscious, and well dressed. The deconstruction of the two advertisements, Ralph Lauren and Michelob Ultra, accentuate this image and show its influence on the male audience. The Michelob Ultra advertisement preys on the modern mans body image perceptions, and uses them to create a desire for their product. The ad depicts an athletic swimmer, of whom we are to believe consumes the product, getting out of the pool, a picture of the product, and the heading â€Å"Lose the Carbs. Not the taste†. The caption â€Å"†¦ this is your fountain of youth† insinuates that this product will keep you healthy youthful, while being able to enjoy alcohol. There is a famous quote from Edgar A. Schoaff that reads, â€Å"Advertising is the art of making whole lies, out of half truths†. This ad from Michelob is a perfect example of this. In reality, the beer still contains carbs, almost the same amount as regular beer, but using an almost irrelevant idea of low carbs and transforming it into a, for lack of a better term, ‘healthy’ beer. This misleading idea forces easily persuaded body conscious males to believe in their product. Ultimately, this kind of advertising manipulates males thoughts and plants false images of an unattainable body. The ‘modern man’ look has grown increasingly more popular due to advertisers push to make men obsessing over their own body image. The advertisement for Ralph Lauren targets these image wise men and positions themselves as the ‘right’ image. The ad is almost completely in black and white, with just the brand name, â€Å"Ralph Lauren† standing out in the background. The contrast makes for a striking and eye catching advertisement, with a hint of panache. It depicts three young men hurdling over a tennis net, boasting their clothes and style. Thre three men are racing, playing off men’s stereotypical competitiveness and pursuit to be the best. The ad suggests that Ralph Lauren will help you get there. David Foster Wallace sums this up with his quote, â€Å"It did what all ads are supposed to do: create an anxiety relievable by purchase†. The anxiety is the endeavour to be the best and the brand will help you in that objective. Therefore, this ad boasts itself as an image of what the modern man should strive for. As a result of the many advertising archetypes presented and beliefs about normalcy, young men are growing up being bombarded by different representations and images of males and find it impossible to not fall victim of them. Young men are often enticed to emulate what they see on the television, hear on the radio or read on a newspaper ad. The allure of the lifestyle presented in advertising is most often great enough to coax the consumer to buy into it. These facts are supported by the aforementioned advertisements. Both similar in regards to target audiences, and give impressions of the modern man. One of perfect body aspirations, and the other a pursuit for the perfect look. But both simultaneously give people ambitions to be the modern man. How to cite Representations of Men in Advertising, Papers